Check out these bonus images of the Winter Dance Party!

Buddy Holly and the Crickets

Ritchie Valens

The Big Bopper

Buddy Holly album autographed by the Crickets. Photo by Michael Swanger/Iowa History Journal

Ritchie Valens 45 RPM. Photo by Michael Swanger/Iowa History Journal

The Big Bopper’s hit record

Laramar Ballroom in Fort Dodge

Poster promoting the Winter Dance Party at the Laramar Ballroon, Jan. 30, 1959

Capitol Theater in Davenport

Ticket stub from the Capitol Theater in Davenport from Winter Dance Party on Jan. 29, 1959. Photo courtesy of Dennis Farland

Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake

Mason City Globe Gazette newspaper ad promoting Winter Dance Party at the Surf Ballroom in 1959

2019 Surf Ballroom poster promoting the 60th anniversary celebration of the Winter Dance Party